How Great Thy Sting Oh Scorpion!

I feel so much pain in my soul, I’ve not been able to rest my heart. My soul hurts for the precious soul lost at sea. It’s hard to wrap my head around your loss but I pray I understand.

But why? Why you? You had so much to look forward to, you were always yourself. Never deceitful, honouring those whom honour is due. You were stubborn but I don’t blame you, for it was your nature. Ahhh! You are now past, a memory for us to hold unto very tight.

I’ve lost someone dear to me before and it still hurts when I remember, now I’ve lost another. Both lost in a struggle to survive. But the scorpion’s hold on them was too tight and they lost the struggle.

We say offensive things we don’t really mean and when tragedy strikes we wish we could take back those words, but it doesn’t work that way. Nothing hurts more than having so much to say to a person, but not being able to say any of it. To bite back the tears that so easily flow down your face. Knowing that you’ll never get to hear that voice anymore. To wish for time to turn back, just to savour those final moments.

Life is fickle and wavering, very unstable it is. Vanity upon vanity, for nothing truly lasts forever. Live the best way you can, having no regrets, grudges or pain. Leave footprints in the sand for others to follow, put a smile on the faces of others and fulfil all your dreams before you leave.

A/N: If there’s anything I’ve learned from these experiences, it’s this: Give all the love you can at all times, find inner peace with all, for the deadly sting of the scorpion can appear at any time.
Rest on my friend.

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